Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Đúng 46 năm trước, Mỹ trao trả cho Nhật quyền quản trị Okinawa

Ngày 15 tháng 05, 1972

·        1972 – Hoa Kỳ trao trả quyền quản trị Okinawa (hình thành Shuri) cho Nhật Bản.


Okinawa (Nhật: 沖縄県 (Xung Thằng Huyện)Okinawa-ken?) là tỉnh cực Nam của Nhật Bản bao gồm hàng trăm đảo thuộc quần đảo Ryukyu. Trung tâm hành chính là thành phố Naha nằm trên đảo lớn nhất của quần đảo là đảo Okinawa. 

Quần đảo Senkaku cũng được Nhật Bản đặt vào phạm vi hành chính của tỉnh Okinawa.
Okinawa Prefecture (Japanese: 沖縄県 Hepburn: Okinawa-ken, Okinawan: ウチナーチン Uchinaa-chin) is the southernmost prefecture of Japan. It encompasses two thirds of the Ryukyu Islands in a chain over 1,000 kilometres (620 mi) long. The Ryukyu Islands extend southwest from Kyushu (the southwesternmost of Japan's four main islands) to Taiwan. Naha, Okinawa's capital, is located in the southern part of Okinawa Island.
Although Okinawa Prefecture comprises just 0.6 percent of Japan's total land mass, about 75 percent of all United States military personnel stationed in Japan are assigned to installations in the prefecture. Currently about 26,000 U.S. troops are based in the prefecture.

Tỉnh Okinawa
—  Tnh  —
Chuyển tự Nhật văn
Kanji                                    | 沖縄県
Rōmaji                                 | Okinawa-ken
Chuyển tự Okinawa
Okinawa                             | ウチナーチン
Rōmaji                                | Uchinaa-chin

Du khách trên những chiếc xe trâu truyền thống đến đảo Yubu-jima, thuộc thị trấn Taketomi, huyện Yaeyama, tỉnh Okinawa.
Quốc gia:                                          |  Nhật Bản
Vùng:                                           | Kyushu (Ryūkyū Shotō)
Đảo:                                            | Okinawa
Lập tỉnh:                                           | 4 tháng 4 năm 1879 (lập tỉnh); 15 tháng 5 năm 1972 (trao trả)
Thủ phủ:                                      | Naha
Phân chia hành chính:                   | 5 huyện, 41 hạt
Chính quyền
Thống đốc:                                  | Takeshi Onaga
Phó Thống đốc:                              | Urasaki Ishou, Tomikawa Moritake
Văn phòng tỉnh:                              | 1-2-2, phường Izumizaki, thành phố Naha 900-8570
                                                         | Điện thoại: (+81) 098-866-2333
Diện tích
Tổng cộng:                                       | 2.281,12 km2, (0.88.075 mi2)
Mặt nước:                                         | 0,5%
Rừng:                                                | 46,1%
Dân số (1 tháng 10 năm 2015)
Tổng cộng:                                      | 1.433.566
Mật độ:                                        | 628/km2 (1,630/mi2)
GDP (danh nghĩa, 2014)
Tổng số:                                           | JP¥ 4.051 tỉ
Theo đầu người:                           | JP¥ 2,129 triệu
Tăng trưởng:                                   | tăng 3,5%

Địa lý

Vị trí quần đảo Nansei.
Ba nhóm đảo của Okinawa.
Tỉnh Okinawa bao trùm quần đảo Ryukyu (thuộc quần đảo Nansei) chạy dài hơn 1000 km từ phía Tây Nam Kyushu đến tận Đài Loan và phân thành ba nhóm đảo chính. Đó là:
·        Quần đảo Okinawa
·        Ie-jima
·        Kume
·        Đảo Okinawa
·        Quần đảo Kerama
·        Quần đảo Daito
·        Quần đảo Miyako
·        Miyako-jima
·        Quần đảo Yaeyama
·        Iriomote
·        Đảo Ishigaki
·        Yonaguni
·        Quần đảo Senkaku

Khí hậu

Khí hậu nhiệt đới  á nhiệt đới.

Lịch sử

Bài chi tiết: Lịch sử Okinawa
Bài chi tiết: Vương quốc Lưu Cầu
Okinawa vốn không thuộc Nhật Bản mà là một phần của một nhà nước độc lập, đó là Vương quốc Lưu Cầu dù rằng người Okinawa  người Nhật khá gần gũi về mặt chủng tộc.
Vương quốc Lưu Cầu
Vương quốc này có quan hệ với Trung Quốc mật thiết hơn là với Nhật Bản.[cần dẫn nguồn]
Năm 1609, daimyo của phiên Satsuma (nay là tỉnh Kagoshima) ở phía Nam đảo Kyushu đã tấn công Okinawa, buộc vương quốc Lưu Cầu phải cống nạp cho Satsuma giống như vẫn cống nạp cho Trung Quốc.
Quan hệ giữa Okinawa và Nhật Bản bắt đầu một cách chính thức như thế. Tuy nhiên, vương quốc Lưu Cầu vẫn giữ được chủ quyền của mình với sự hậu thuẫn của Trung Quốc.
Năm 1872, Nhật Bản biến vương quốc Lưu Cầu thành một thuộc địa của mình và gọi là phiên Okinawa bắt chấp sự phản đối của Trung Quốc.
Năm 1874, lấy cớ thổ dân Đài Loan sát hại ngư dân của phiên Okinawa, Nhật Bản xuất binh đánh Đài Loan.
Thất bại trong cuộc chiến tranh với Nhật Bản đã buộc Trung Quốc phải thừa nhận Okinawa là một phần của Nhật Bản đồng thời chịu để Đài Loan thành thuộc địa của Nhật.
Năm 1879, Okinawa trở thành một tỉnh của Nhật Bản. Vương quốc Lưu Cầu hoàn toàn diệt vong.
Sau Chiến tranh thế giới II, Okinawa được đặt dưới sự kiểm soát về hành chính của Mỹ.
Người Nhật đến Okinawa vào thời gian này cần phải được chính phủ Mỹ cấp visa.
Mỹ đã biến Okinawa thành căn cứ quân sự khổng lồ của mình ở Đông Á.
Cho đến nay, tới 75% quân số Mỹ ở Nhật Bản đóng tại Okinawa.

Ngày 15 tháng 5 năm 1972, Okinawa trở về với Nhật Bản.

Hành chính

Tỉnh Okinawa gồm 11 thành phố và 30 làng, thị trấn. Dân số toàn tỉnh là 1.366.854 người (năm 2005). Okinawa là tỉnh đông dân thứ 32 ở Nhật Bản.

Kinh tế

Okinawa chủ yếu phát triển dựa vào ngành du lịch và nông nghiệp. Thu nhập bình quân đầu người thấp nhất Nhật Bản.

Xem thêm

·        Đại học Ryukyu.
·        Công viên tự nhiên quốc gia Iriomote ishigaki
·        Thành Shuri

Chú thích


The oldest evidence of human existence on the Ryukyu islands is from the Stone Age and was discovered in Naha and Yaeyama. Some human bone fragments from the Paleolithic era were unearthed from a site in Naha, but the artifact was lost in transportation before it was examined to be Paleolithic or not. Japanese Jōmon influences are dominant on the Okinawa Islands, although clay vessels on the Sakishima Islands have a commonality with those in Taiwan.
The first mention of the word Ryukyu was written in the Book of Sui. Okinawa was the Japanese word identifying the islands, first seen in the biography of Jianzhen, written in 779. Agricultural societies begun in the 8th century slowly developed until the 12th century.{{Refn|Masahide Takemoto suggested in his 1972 paper that the 10th century sites he excavated was formed on the hillsides suited to agriculture, where remains of Chinese celadonware were also excavated as signs of the beginning of the Gusuku period or centralized governing system. Since the islands are located at the eastern perimeter of the East China Sea relatively close to Japan, China and South-East Asia, the Ryukyu Kingdom became a prosperous trading nation. Also during this period, many Gusukus, similar to castles, were constructed. The Ryukyu Kingdom entered into the Imperial Chinese tributary system under the Ming dynasty beginning in the 15th century, which established economic relations between the two nations.
In 1609, the Shimazu clan, which controlled the region that is now Kagoshima Prefecture, invaded the Ryukyu Kingdom. The Ryukyu Kingdom was obliged to agree to form a suzerain-vassal relationship with the Satsuma and the Tokugawa shogunate, while maintaining its previous role within the Chinese tributary system; Ryukyuan sovereignty was maintained since complete annexation would have created a conflict with China. The Satsuma clan earned considerable profits from trade with China during a period in which foreign trade was heavily restricted by the shogunate.

A Ryukyuan embassy in Edo.
Although Satsuma maintained strong influence over the islands, the Ryukyu Kingdom maintained a considerable degree of domestic political freedom for over two hundred years. Four years after the 1868 Meiji Restoration, the Japanese government, through military incursions, officially annexed the kingdom and renamed it Ryukyu han. At the time, the Qing Empire asserted a nominal suzerainty over the islands of the Ryukyu Kingdom, since the Ryūkyū Kingdom was also a member state of the Chinese tributary system. Ryukyu han became Okinawa Prefecture of Japan in 1879, even though all other hans had become prefectures of Japan in 1872.
In 1912, Okinawans first obtained the right to vote for representatives to the National Diet (国会) which had been established in 1890.


Near the end of World War II, in 1945, the US Army and Marine Corps invaded Okinawa with 185,000 troops. A third of the civilian population died; a quarter of the civilian population died during the 1945 Battle of Okinawa alone. The dead, of all nationalities, are commemorated at the Cornerstone of Peace.
The Cornerstone of Peace is a monument in Itoman commemorating the Battle of Okinawa and the role of Okinawa during World War II. The names of over two hundred and forty thousand people who lost their lives are inscribed on the memorial.
After the end of World War II, the Ryukyu independence movement developed, while Okinawa was under United States Military Government of the Ryukyu Islands administration for 27 years. During this "trusteeship rule", the United States established numerous military bases on the Ryukyu islands.
During the Korean War, B-29 Superfortresses flew bombing missions over Korea from Kadena Air Base on Okinawa. The military buildup on the island during the Cold War increased a division between local inhabitants and the American military. Under the 1952 Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan, the United States Forces Japan (USFJ) have maintained a large military presence.
Since 1960, the U.S. and Japan have maintained an agreement that allows the U.S. to secretly bring nuclear weapons into Japanese ports.
The Japanese tended to oppose the introduction of nuclear arms into Japanese territory by the government's assertion of Japan's non-nuclear policy and a statement of the Three Non-Nuclear Principles. Most of the weapons were alleged to be stored in ammunition bunkers at Kadena Air Base. Between 1954 and 1972, 19 different types of nuclear weapons were deployed in Okinawa, but with fewer than around 1,000 warheads at any one time.

1965–1972 (Vietnam War)

Between 1965 and 1972, Okinawa was a key staging point for the United States in its military operations directed towards North Vietnam. Along with Guam, it presented a geographically strategic launch pad for covert bombing missions over Cambodia and Laos. Anti-Vietnam War sentiment became linked politically to the movement for reversion of Okinawa to Japan. In 1965, the US military bases, earlier viewed as paternal post war protection, were increasingly seen as aggressive. The Vietnam War highlighted the differences between the United States and Okinawa, but showed a commonality between the islands and mainland Japan.
As controversy grew regarding the alleged placement of nuclear weapons on Okinawa, fears intensified over the escalation of the Vietnam War. Okinawa was then perceived, by some inside Japan, as a potential target for China, should the communist government feel threatened by the United States. American military secrecy blocked any local reporting on what was actually occurring at bases such as Kadena Air Base. As information leaked out, and images of air strikes were published, the local population began to fear the potential for retaliation.
Political leaders such as Oda Makoto, a major figure in the Beheiren movement (Foundation of Citizens for Peace in Vietnam), believed, that the return of Okinawa to Japan would lead to the removal of U.S. forces ending Japan's involvement in Vietnam. In a speech delivered in 1967 Oda was critical of Prime Minister Sato’s unilateral support of America’s War in Vietnam claiming "Realistically we are all guilty of complicity in the Vietnam War". The Beheiren became a more visible anti-war movement on Okinawa as the American involvement in Vietnam intensified. The movement employed tactics ranging from demonstrations, to handing leaflets to soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines directly, warning of the implications for a third World War.
The US military bases on Okinawa became a focal point for anti-Vietnam War sentiment. By 1969, over 50,000 American military personnel were stationed on Okinawa, accustomed to privileges and laws not shared by the indigenous population. The United States Department of Defense began referring to Okinawa as "The Keystone of the Pacific". This slogan was imprinted on local U.S. military license plates.
In 1969, chemical weapons leaked from the US storage depot at Chibana in central Okinawa, under Operation Red Hat. Evacuations of residents took place over a wide area for two months. Even two years later, government investigators found that Okinawans and the environment near the leak were still suffering because of the depot.
In 1972, the U.S. government handed over the islands to Japanese administration.


In a 1981 interview with the Mainichi Shimbun, Edwin O. Reischauer, former U.S. ambassador to Japan, said that U.S. naval ships armed with nuclear weapons stopped at Japanese ports on a routine duty, and this was approved by the Japanese government.
Edwin Oldfather Reischauer (October 15, 1910 – September 1, 1990) was an American educator and professor at Harvard University.
The 1995 rape of a 12-year-old girl by U.S. servicemen triggered large protests in Okinawa. Reports by the local media of accidents and crimes committed by U.S. servicemen have reduced the local population's support for the U.S. military bases. A strong emotional response has emerged from certain incidents. As a result, the media has drawn renewed interest in the Ryukyu independence movement.
Documents declassified in 1997 proved that both tactical and strategic weapons have been maintained in Okinawa. In 1999 and 2002, the Japan Times and the Okinawa Times reported speculation that not all weapons were removed from Okinawa. On October 25, 2005, after a decade of negotiations, the governments of the US and Japan officially agreed to move Marine Corps Air Station Futenma from its location in the densely populated city of Ginowan to the more northerly and remote Camp Schwab in Nago by building a heliport with a shorter runway, partly on Camp Schwab land and partly running into the sea. 

Ginowan in Okinawa Prefecture

Location of Nago in Okinawa Prefecture
The move is partly an attempt to relieve tensions between the people of Okinawa and the Marine Corps.
Okinawa prefecture constitutes 0.6 percent of Japan's land surface, yet as of 2006, 75 percent of all USFJ bases were located on Okinawa, and U.S. military bases occupied 18 percent of the main island.

U.S. military facilities in Okinawa


According to a 2007 Okinawa Times poll, 85 percent of Okinawans opposed the presence of the U.S. military,because of noise pollution from military drills, the risk of aircraft accidents, environmental degradation,[40] and crowding from the number of personnel there,[41] although 73.4 percent of Japanese citizens appreciated the mutual security treaty with the U.S. and the presence of the USFJ.[42] In another poll conducted by the Asahi Shimbun in May 2010, 43 percent of the Okinawan population wanted the complete closure of the U.S. bases, 42 percent wanted reduction and 11 percent wanted the maintenance of the status quo.[43]
In early 2008, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice apologized after a series of crimes involving American troops in Japan, including the rape of a young girl of 14 by a Marine on Okinawa. The U.S. military also imposed a temporary 24-hour curfew on military personnel and their families to ease the anger of local residents.[44]Some cited statistics that the crime rate of military personnel is consistently less than that of the general Okinawan population.[45] However, some criticized the statistics as unreliable, since violence against women is under-reported.[46]
Between 1972 and 2009, U.S. servicemen committed 5,634 criminal offenses, including 25 murders, 385 burglaries, 25 arsons, 127 rapes, 306 assaults and 2,827 thefts.
In 2009, a new Japanese government came to power and froze the US forces relocation plan, but in April 2010 indicated their interest in resolving the issue by proposing a modified plan.[47] Okinawan feelings about the U.S. military are complex, and some of the resentment towards the U.S. bases is directed towards the government in Tokyo, perceived as being insensitive to Okinawan needs and using Okinawa to house bases not desired elsewhere in Japan. Okinawa is the poorest prefecture within Japan, and the problem of U.S. bases has become tangled with the sense of colonialist and imperialist treatment of Okinawa by Tokyo.[citation needed]
A study done in 2010 found that the prolonged exposure to aircraft noise around the Kadena Air Base and other military bases cause health issues such as a disrupted sleep pattern, high blood pressure, weakening of the immune system in children, and a loss of hearing.[48]
In 2011, it was reported that the U.S. military—contrary to repeated denials by the Pentagon—had kept tens of thousands of barrels of Agent Orange on the island. The Japanese and American governments have angered some U.S. veterans, who believe they were poisoned by Agent Orange while serving on the island, by characterizing their statements regarding Agent Orange as "dubious", and ignoring their requests for compensation. Reports that more than a third of the barrels developed leaks have led Okinawans to ask for environmental investigations, but as of 2012 both Tokyo and Washington refused such action.[49] Jon Mitchell has reported concern that the U.S. used American Marines as chemical-agent guinea pigs.[50]

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